Like single pickup guitars (including the Fender Musicmaster), there is a certain purity to keeping things simple. For those familiar with CRAVE Guitars’ philosophy, it will be no surprise that the ‘less is more’ principle applies to amps like this. The classic behemoths are great too but there is something really cool about the runts of the family, especially for home use. Right up front, I am a champion (sic!) for the ‘baby’ Fender amps and, unlike many traditionalists, I have a soft spot for the post-Leo ‘silverface’ models. Other benefits include not taking up huge amounts of real estate and being easy on your spinal column, as well as being useful to have for occasional bass guitar use! While diminutive Fender amps are often sneered at by amp snobs, this type of tube combo is now seeing a resurgence of popularity by boutique amp builders, seeking the elusive essence of simple but toneful vintage amps, especially for recording and other low volume uses. Just the basics. The MMB was sold by Fender as a beginner’s bass amp but, like many other Fender bass amps (including the legendary Bassman), has been appropriated for use by (blues) guitarists for their great tone. Controls could hardly be simpler, just volume, tone and of/off switch. These fantastic little 12 watt, 1×12” valve combo amps adhere to the familiar Fender aesthetic with an open back cabinet, covered in black tolex, silver grill cloth, ‘Made in USA’ raised chrome logo, the silver control panel with blue lettering and the iconic red jewel light.

Original CBS-era Fender ‘silverface’ Musicmaster Bass amps (often shortened to MMB) were manufactured only between 19.